Why is it hard for some people to diet, an, on the other hand, a few people look fitter by the minute? And, only we can change ourselves. After trying out many many diets, and failing miserably.I decided to better my mind. As, they say a healthy mind, can help conquer the world. And, I have changed my weight loss goals, by changing my mindset.
To be honest there is no secret ingredient or magic pill here. The only thing that “those” people have is DETERMINATION.
Your mindset is a powerful instrument and can help you make or break the diet successful.
Some of us find it hard to let go of sugary food or lose control after dinner. Once again, if we train our minds to “focus” on what we want to “achieve” every day will be better.

5 Mindset Tips For Weightloss
Determination – Being determined, is not easy but, one can train themselves to be more focused & determined. Try to set smaller, achievable goals and tell yourself, “I’m determined that this week I will accomplish my goals”
The more you achieve, the more determined you get.
Mindset Tips For Weightloss
– What are affirmations? Affirmations are nothing, but positive statements that you need to keep yourself positive. It’s a way of reassuring your beliefs to you.
I’m getting closer to my goal weight
I’m enjoying the process of eating clean
I love working out
The Journal
Mindset Tips For Weightloss
– Now, we all have made a journal at some point or the other. But, here the difference is, we write down only the “positive”
Write down all your victories, compliments, success. Do not make a record of the week where you might have gained.
This journal will serve well on the bad days. And, will help with boosting determination.
Visualize Yourself
Mindset Tips For Weightloss
– If you have that old pair of jeans sitting in your closet, somewhere take it out. Think, about the compliments you would get when you flaunt them six months later.
If you do not have anything smaller, I would suggest investing in a size smaller top, or bottom. And, make a goal to lose “n amount” of inches, in say two months.
Slow But Steady
Mindset Tips For Weightloss
– This gets us back to point number. To be determined, you need to NOT set yourself up for failure.
Supposing you eat a 2 rotis+ 1 large coke every day, and suddenly you go to eating broccoli salad, how long do you think you can sustain?
Instead, just try to cut half a roti and half a glass of coke for week one. And, then I’m sure you will surprise yourself, and actually, end up losing some weight.
There is no perfect diet. Or a perfect workout. To start being able to be successful, you first need to quit the mentality of deprivation = results.
Deprivation will just make you go back to square one eventually. Some take a day, and some might take a month.
What are the best diet tips you have? Do you feel our minds can be a powerful source to help us succeed?
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nice tips di….thank you sooo much for fitness n food tips…it really helps me alot 🙏❤❤ keep going 😘❤❤❤
Hey really great post.. i like to say thank you.. great job keep it up! and i got some weight loss diet plans and tips too.. if you interested on that just checkout.. here is my link.. https://www.rights2gain.com
hope you like it…
Some really good tips there. It’s so helpful for people who are struggling with weight issues. Thanks for hosting the linky party.
Great tips. Thanks for sharing.
Great tips. Thanks for sharing
Great tips.
There were many problems with fast weight loss. But after reading this article, I learned a lot about losing weight. These 5 tips are really enough for weight loss.
I think the key to effective weight loss journey and for being fit, one needs to set realistic goals. And yes, you are right determination will only keep us going. Because being fit and staying healthy is a lifetime journey and not one time goal.