The superpowers I wish for myself are definitely not imaginary. These are the powers that I can actually inhibit with time. But, still, I wish if I can just ace them in a jiffy. So what are these superpowers that I’m talking about?
Let’s cut the chase and let me share of all the incredible superpowers that I wish to possess not only for the year but for life.
the incredible superpowers: Stop Procrastinating
Stop Procrastinating – now it may not sound like a “superpower” to you, but trust me for me it is. Imagine, a life when you just get things done- when you need to.
Off late, I tend to “delay” things, and as a result, I either miss doing them or do a rushed job.
A life, where I’m like clockwork and jump on the treadmill as soon as I brush my teeth doesn’t sound too bad to me. This superpower can come with practice and, I can’t wait to get it.

the incredible superpowers: Do it all
Do it all – As a blogger, I tend to have a lot of stuff to do. Taking pictures, writing posts, making pins etc. Oh, and I need to take are of the children too. They might not be babies, but they still need to be taken care of. And, then comes working out. And, somewhere in between a few stolen moments of chatter with the husband.
On a given day, it really gets hard to choose between a workout and blogging work. Of course, I feel amazing after it gets done. But, something or the other out of the two gets less time.
So, I need a superpower where I can manage it better and do it all.
the incredible superpowers: Be less transparent
Be less transparent – If you know me, you know my face is actually the mirror to my soul. It’s so transparent that I kind of dislike the fact. My anger, love any emotion shows up easily on my face. I sure wish, for a poker face where the world wouldn’t see what I feel.
This superpower is something, that I would love to have. I see how people “hide” their feelings and can actually be someone totally different from what you anticipated.
In my case, trust me whatever the notion you might have made for me: good, bad, ugly: you are absolutely right. I’m exactly how I came across.
So, these were the superpowers that I would love to possess any day.
The post is written under the prompt “ Incredibles” and is a part of a blog train is hosted by, and, sponsored by Pandora’s Box and Recipe Dabba
I have to agree with Vartika here. ‘What you see is what you get’ is an admirable quality, not something to feel bad or guilty about. There’s a dearth of such people, specially in today’s fake times.
(Oh, and..’Stop procrastinating’ is indeed a Superpower. Maybe the greatest superpower of them all 😅)
On the whole, a pretty introspective peace 👍
I so want the first super power!! loved this post.
I could do with all 3 Super Powers you wish for , Z. Being transparent is something I regret to. I am hoping to be mysterious this year:)
Good luck and if you learn the art, please let me know too 🙂
I desperately want thay super power to stop procrastinating. I am forever doing a last minute job. You have such a beautiful and unique perspective Z. Loved this piece
Doing it all is a super power even I would love to have.
I think nowadays my time is just running. the morning starts by looking at the watch and after finishing my job, night comes like the day is over. It really hard to balance life and blogging.
We all need such superpowers and would be lucky to have except the last one as in my case it gets easy to know the other person. And moreover, for me it makes life easy.
I identify with most of what you say. However it’s ok if you don’t get the superpower to be less transparent. It’s a trait that most people come around to like. So those who can’t take it, leave them to their devices, they’ll come around
Super Mom may you be gifted by being less transparent superpower, indeed novel and needed one. Best wishes Zainab
Your superpowers are quite sensible. I agree with specially the procrastination!! Great writeup!!
Really a good one. Hope your practical and sensible wishes be a better place.
Wow, for some time I was in dreamland thinking what if even one of these super powers comes to us and life is going to be so much at ease 🙂 Nice post Zainab 🙂
Stop procrastinating is indeed a superpower, I also want to acquire. This post is so relatable.
Sending my best wishes to you:)