I am a late sleeper, but my children are not. Last night was different. Both, my kids were awake till 1 am, because we had ‘so much home-work’
I remember, when I was in school, the home-work pressure was not so much. Or, did I handle it better? Or, did I have less distractions? Not sure.
A couple of months back, a Canadian mother ranted about something similar, which went viral. You can read in depth, about it here.

I also wrote a little more about this, on my city for kids which you can find here.
I have no questions today, just would like to know your thoughts!
Bahut kharab system hai, isko change karna chaiye
Agree with you… why so much of homework?
But you know what I hv seen some parents who feel insecure if the kids dont get homework… they start doubting if the child is lying or if the child was sitting absentmindedly in the class…
– Anagha from Team MocktailMommies
Tiring this homework and I too believe children should be children. But having studied for a significant part if my life I van say education is extremely important if we want a choice of how we live for the rest of our lives .But education should involve entertainment too and sports .Both help in developing the creative and social minds
know this pressure dear. See my kiddo buried under it so often. Thank you for bringing this one up though I still know what could be a solution.
Homework should be banned. I don’t have kids, but I see parents running around with the ‘projects’ too these days! Crazy.
Like you, I totally dont agree with the present education mindset… the pressure on these kids has gotten way worse than during my time… and it needs to stop. There is no point of a kid spending his entire life behind books with no time to ‘be a kid’!
Totally with you Zainab! I do agree that children need their downtime and I should say, they need it even more than we adults do, after a full day at work. Why does the system work against the kids? Why is it that day after day they have no time to relax, enjoy or play? What is happening to their childhood? My son is bringing so much homework these days that I can see him struggling with the workload with not enough time to sleep either. I’m not just angry but very very frustrated with the current system of education. I can feel the plight of hundreds of hapless parents who are going through this torture every single day with no respite whatsoever.
I totally agree! My kids have sooo much homework; they are older teenagers though. I teach little ones and we have to give out some homework. I hate it as often the parents do it!! I also hate having to mark it all… totally pointless in my opinion until the age of about 11. Then they should only have about 1 hour. #mondaymusings
I think today everything is more commercialized. Everything has become competitive, to prove you are in a good school they try different things. The project work the home work has increased. Its not just a task for the kid but parents too.
I think a page or two should be enough to revise and let the parents know what is being done in school. Projects should be done in groups in school not by parents!!
I am not completely against HW….I see it as revision and thereby increases retention of a new concept. In a class of 30-40 students, a child may not be able to understand everything, hence it makes sense to go through the work again. However, I am STRONGLY against stupid projects which are obviously done by parents.
Up till 1am for homework?? That’s awful! I wonder if there was any real learning involved or just stress and pressure for the little ones 🙁
I think we had less of homework pressure, and teachers would know the importance of that down-time after school. Nowadays, there seems to be a lot of academic expectation and pressure, that even parents feel the brunt of homework.
Totally agree with you. We at http://www.hapclap.com believe that along with studies students should be engaged in extra curricular activities. Spending sleepless nights at an early age completing homework is not the right way forward. Proper sleep is a must for the growth and better health of the child.