Well, here the x-tra means –
Being over the top.
Doing something that you believe in with not only excess confidence but also taking it a bit further.
Making it look Xtra.
That xtra look, that creative shade of makeup, that xtra smart conversation.
You get it, right?
Personally, I have been a little scared to show my xtra side to anyone but the mirror!
But, lately, social media is just about being xtra!
At least, that’s what I think gets you the campaigns.
But, if you are not comfortable then don’t try that xtra thingy!
The boomerang, the hair flips and what not.
The ones who do it can carry it. And, maybe it’s not even xtra for them.
I would just like to say that do what you feel makes you happy and comfortable.
That’s your xtra bit!
wonderfull article! loved it
Nice one!