Envy is just a fancy, word for jealousy. But, it certainly does not mean having hatred.
We turn green with envy, towards someone who is better than us.

As human beings, we will fail to recognize our accomplishments, and always manage to find the grass greener on the other side.
If you are an 80’s child, you might have stumbled upon this add, and trust me, I now understand the ‘deeper’ meaning of the same.
Bhala uski kameez, meri kameez se safed kese?
Translated to
How come, his shirt, is whiter (cleaner) than mine?
We all WILL envy someone in our lives, no matter how much we are deny
I envy everyone who is slim and does not have to count calories. Like my brother, he can eat the entire pizza followed by the new Oreo silk chocolate, and well, he will still be tall & slim.
And, if I indulge like this, I will have to walk 3 miles the next day and probably, stay off crisps and sweets for the whole year.
But, do I hate him ? NO ! I do hate the fact though.
But does make me a bad person…no, mikes me human!!!
But, channel this ENVY into something more positive. How about, counting your blessing instead?
Read #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Week 7– Family Top entries
Author’s Bio
DIPIKA- She Blogs at Gleef Blogger . She is a passionate Writer , Lecturer by proffession, MBA by education, Budding Blogger atmycity4kids(dot)comRead her winning Entry FAMILY – MY CIRCLE OF STRENGTH!
Humaira – She blogs at Creative LifeStar. She’s energetic and versatile blogger. Lecturer by profession & is an avid writer
Read her winning Entry What Is Family To You?
Surprise Gift for The most versatile blogger Romila. She blogs at NovembersChild(dot)com. Versatile Writer I More than a decade old Blogger I E-book author I Reader I Social butterfly I Music Expert I Coffee lover I
Join #ClickandBlogAStory linky WEEK 8 Prompt
This week we give you an opportunity to write about ENVY. Blog about everything & anything about what you think about ENVY.
Rules of the linky:

Yes we come across this kind of feeling usually when someone fly ahead on us. Its natural human behaviour. But yes it can be tackle smartly
You are right most of the people we come across to are envious and jealous. There are many reasons behind this. First and foremost is, the people who suffer from inferiority complex have jealousy attitude. Secondly, when a person has to compete the other person, he starts being jealous. Thirdly, some are jealous because of rivalry inside. Fourthly, sometime a person does not want to be jealous but circumstances make him to behave negatively, as in the case of sibling rivalry ; as 2 brothers or 2 sisters being compared by people, they get jealous of each other. And last but definitely not the least, the person who suffers jealousy has a fear in mind, which is related with psychological illness. Here I wan to add that jealousy can benefit a person, if he/she is taking it in a healthy way.
Linking my post on the same prompt soon.
I totally agree with you!
Is it bad to be envious? If you just take it in the right spirit and work hard to achieve your goals. Success is within your reach and one day you will reach it 🙂
That’s a positive take on Envy. It’s hard but can be done!
Very true! The fine line between envy and hate is the fact that you yearn about something that you don’t have but you don’t curse others for having it!
I think that’s the best definition of envy! 🙂
Awesome penned.
thankyou 🙂
Envy is not a good emotion
.Its not positive way to feel. That’s why I actively avoid this
I agree, it’s like poison.
I hear you sister! & deeply appreciate that it isnt ‘bad’ to feel envy, but human – That in itself is a blessing 🙂
Lovely post Z… i loved the eating waala part, was actually laughing reading it!!! So true.. EnVy of all those curves…. but that will not change my reality.
Linking mine soon
And thanks a lot for your love…feels great to win #ClickandBlogAStory chapter.
Oh how true and how well you have put it down – uski kameez meri kameez se safed kaise? The eternal question we seem to be entangled in most of the times…
hi Zainab, I feel the same. We should count on our blessings whenever we will envious. That would control this negative trait and one day we will succeed.
That’s a very positive way of looking at Envy. Yes it only gets toxic when it becomes disproportionate. Linking up my take here.http://natashamusing.com/2017/02/clickandblogastory-not-without-envy/
Thats a refreshing take on Envy. It resonates with me. We are humans and it is but natural to be envious of someone who leads a better life, has a better salary, a better physique. Its about acknowledging it and turning it into something positive as you rightly mentioned. Kudos!!