Hi!  I’m Karina.  I live in China with my husband and our two-year-old son (the absolute love of my life).  I have a passion healthy living, eating wholesome real foods, working out and instilling habits in my son, which I want to share with others.  That led my to starting my insta page just over a year ago.  Through my page I hope to inspire others to find a balance, try new recipes and make delicious small changes, which the whole family will enjoy.   Thank you Zainab for asking me to write a guest post and let me share my tips for packing a healthy lunchbox.



Back to school is here, and that means the start of packing lunches again.  When kids are at school all day we want to make sure we pack lunches that will fuel and nourish them for their activity packed day.


 Today I’m sharing my top tips for packing a healthy lunchbox:



Try to make fruits and vegetables the star of the show.  I know the meals I pack are going up against some very tempting pre-packed snacks other kids will be bringing so making it fun really helps.  Cut the fruits and vegetables up in fun shapes, offer cute picks for the fruit (this is my favorite), cut up apple and crudités with a crinkle cutter – doesn’t have to take a lot of time but that extra effort can make a huge impact.  Adding fruits and vegetables also help to make lunchboxes colorful and our little darlings eat with their eyes first, so color is vital!



Whenever I serve a meal or pack a lunchbox I always try to make sure it includes – something crunchy, something sweet (think fruit) and something from each category of the three macronutrients (fat, carbs,, protein) to ensure it’s a balanced meal.

This helps me to plan his lunchbox and if he is having a fussy day I know their will be something in there he’ll enjoy.  Some of our lunchbox favorites include: hummus either in a wrap or as a dip for his veggies, egg muffins, dal and vegetable paratha or a quinoa salad.



Switching things up and serving something different gets them more excited about their meals.  Gone are the days where a packed meal has to include a sandwich.  Some new items you could include are veg sushi rolls, pasta or grain salad, frittata, vegetable fritters, tofu tikkis and our favorite cinnamon spiced sweet potato and oat pancakes, serve.  Any of these with some sides make a delicious filling lunch.




Try doing as much as possible the night before.  I know once the kids sleep we would all prefer to put our feet up with a glass of wine, but in the midst of the morning chaos you will thank your self you prepped everything the night before.  Bake muffins the day before, chop up the veggies for the frittata, defrost the pasta sauce – all these small things will make a difference in the morning.




Hope my tips will help packing lunch packing less daunting for you and more fun for the little’s.  Now I’m off to plan next week’s meals, but for more inspiration on healthy kids food and recipes check visit my insta page @lipstickandlunch