How to make your corporate team outing enjoyable and valuable for employees
Hi guys, read the following tips if you are planning a fun outing for your employees. It should be memorable and something, which everyone looks forward too.
Define the goal of the outing and the budget
This first step is vital to holding a successful corporate team outing because it helps the team understand what’s in store on the day out and it leads to time being spent valuably and money, wisely. One wouldn’t commit to spending thousands of rupees and hours of the employees’ time unless they’ve run the figures and given the output a good hard think – They also wouldn’t plan a team off-site without a clear objective in mind.
So what is the purpose of the team outing? Is it for the team to understand each other better? Is it to get your team to work cohesively? Or, is it purely for leisure?
Figure out the purpose of the team outing.
Ideas for out-of-office activities
Another option beyond the business-oriented outcome of the off-site is to indulge in an experience that’s going to be enjoyable for everybody involved. Not only will the group leave the off-site having overcome momentous roadblocks, an impactful strategy, refined ideas, and got to understand each other a little better, but they’ll share an experience that will make the day truly memorable. It’s also a great way to reward them for all the efforts they put in on a daily basis. There are numerous resorts for corporates that offer a comfortable stay along with some splendid views.

Minimise the use of technology
Technology can be really useful, but it can also pose to be a major distraction to the post-off-site goals and objectives. There’s nothing that affects concentration more than mobile notifications and being in a space filled with to-do lists and other distractions. So, renting a room out somewhere away from the concrete jungle is a good idea. Discovery Village is one such resort that with serene, off-beat properties in Karnataka. It will help the team to think more clearly when they’re away from their everyday work culture, and really help them unwind.
By putting technology away, it enables the team to focus on each other more so the bonding is on a meaningful level.
Split the corporate outing into ‘fun’ activities and ‘work-oriented’ ones
For a team outing to be enjoyable and worthwhile for the team, there should be a balance between these elements. This ensures that the team can bond by engaging in light activities outside of a work environment whilst working towards meeting the goals of the company.
It is simple to incorporate these two elements during the team off-site. It’s bound to be both fun and productive.

Get quotes from companies and ensure to stick to your budget
Once a tentative itinerary is planned, it is time to call up companies to determine the cost of this corporate outing. When planning a group trip, it’s crucial to take into account the various expenses, but it’s equally important to consider the quality of the service too. – especially when the costs are similar as it can help determine the best-suited option for the team.

Pull it all together and create the agenda
Now it’s time to tie the loose ends together. Ensure that these key questions are answered:
- What is the objective and goal of this team out? What’s the need to hold one? What will happen without team outings?
- Which departments and how many employees will attend the outing? How will they commute?
- What activities are planned and on which day/s? Write an agenda and make sure to include a timeline for each engagement.
- Think of all the activities to be done on the day and the time limits, also ensure there is a buffer before and after each activity.
- What is the sign/meaning of a successful team outing?
Spending valuable time and resources to take the team out on a strategically-planned team outing is a prime element for both improving the work culture and improving employee relations with the management and encouraging group efforts. However, a team off-site can be expensive and not beneficial if it hasn’t been planned in a smart and strategic way.
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