Sameer was the love of my life. I had loved him from the first time he had walked in the door of the fashion designing institute. But, I never had the courage to tell him how I felt.
He, never knew me as I was in a different set of classes, but I would stalk him all the time. He soon left for further studies & I kept living in my cocoon.
Time passed & one day while browsing Facebook, I came across Sameers profile. I learnt that, he’s surprisingly, single and now staying in Paris. He was the owner of his firm and looked well settled. This was my chance, to win him over.
But, he had never noticed me before, why would he care now, were my initial thoughts.
I knew I had to better myself in every aspect, so that I become indispensable for him.
Well, sounds silly but true love can make you do things.
Before I started to work on myself , I wanted to make sure that Sameer doesn’t go anywhere. Again.
I took a flight to Paris & easily found his office, well Thank God for people who leave details on their Facebook profile.
I went to his office & saw someone familiar coming out. It was his sister. Thanks to Facebook again. I think her name was Luna.
Keeping a safe distance I followed her & reached her palatial apartment. I just wanted to create a small havoc in her life, so that everything in her life would stop for sometime. And, I just needed sometime.
The next morning I waited outside Luna’s home. Once she left for work, I broke into her house. It was not easy, but I did it. Suddenly, I found her passport sitting on her dresser. I knew it was evil, but it did not stop me to steal that black book of hers. This was better, than any gold or money, but I did borrow some cash and a can of soda.
That’s my name, Mahi. I came back to India, wasted no time into grooming myself. French classes, cooking classes, became my daily life. I wrapped up the two months by doing a course on self development.
I needed some extra money & I had to get involved in somethings that I’m not proud of. But, I had a good amount of cash, now
My parents were very happy, I had told them I passed my interview & will move to France soon.
Ironically, I had still not met Sameer. But, the time had come and I could not wait. To be with him. To kiss him. To hold him. To tell him about my love for him.
It was fate that brought us together, again
Finally the day came. I reached Sameer’s office. He said, that they did not need anyone at the moment. I told him, that I understand and will try somewhere else. Oh, and I spoke those last lines in fluent French.
That’s when he realized I was an asset. He hired me right away. Happily I walked into my, apartment which I had rented right across, Luna’s home.
Luna, Sameer, Mahi

After her passport got missing, Luna asked Sameer to move in with her. Till now, Sameer would sleep at his office or in a hotel room. Luna was, an air-hostess, so not having her passport did stir some conflicts in her life. Just, as I had thought it would.
I did not waste anymore time, and went to invite my neighbor Luna for dinner. I acted as surprised as I could when the door was answered by Sameer.
I couldn’t stop staring at him. He recognised me, but we both stared at each other before we said hi. I could see that he could not take his eyes off my beautiful face. I wore the perfect sundress to make him want me.
It worked. I think.
And, that’s how the three of us, became friends.
It became a ritual for both of us, to go to the office together. But, Luna was always around when we used to have sleepovers and dinners. It was fun to finally experience the attention I used to crave for.
Sameer & Mahi
We did flirt casually, but I wanted to seal the deal now. To cut it short, I wanted to get closer to him. I did, see him interested in me, but after working so hard, I needed him to make me his girlfriend.
Luna, finally got the passport back and took off for a month, to make up for the lost time. I knew, this was my opportunity, to move closer to him.
Sameer walked into my cabin, while I was away getting lunch packed. That’s how he got to know, that it was my birthday today, exactly how I had planned, for him to find out.
He told me, that we had to celebrate. We had a lovely dinner and then, being the perfect gentleman, he dropped me home.
I called Sameer in the middle of the night, telling him that I could not sleep.
He did not hesitate to come over.
I had worked on myself, I smelled delicious, thanks to Chanel No. 5 and, yes I looked sexy!
After the knock, as I answered, the door, my ankle twisted, making me fall, right into in his arms. I finally made my move.
what a creative story!
it was an enjoyable read!
happy new year to you- be blessed!
Oh, la la! Yummy love story!
Very interesting story. Cute, in a way, but an observation.
There’s a very obvious focus on this need, this desire to have Sameer. The protagonist even goes to great length to do so, so much so that she resorts to crime (breaking and entering and theft) along with a number of other underhanded tactics.
That said, the ending surprised me. These lies/actions are left hanging in the air, creating a very intense concept of this person who will do ANYTHING, yet they are merely rewarded for their ill behavior.
I can’t decide if this is necessarily bad, good, intentional, or not, but it definitely grabs my attention because the story has a very menacing undertone that simply remains unexplored by the ending.
Thankyou Robert. I think I wanted it to leave it to the readers, what happens when she makes her move.
Maybe Sameer knows all along? Or maybe she gets married and as you said is rewarded despite of her ill behaviour. Sadly, many people in the world get away with their bad attitude & still get what they want!
Hey Zainab, you write so well. You kept the secret well sealed till the end.