I’m super excited to be taking part in the Barathon. I will be doing a marathon of posts on “What I Love” and some fiction as well.
TV Shows You Cannot Miss
I love me some TV shows and, I have watched all of them. From Friends to Riverdale, to 90210 to The Vampire Diaris. But, today I’m sharing just three TV shows that came out last year and are a good watch. Hope you like them.
13 Reasons Why
A beautiful girl- Hannah Baker dies. She is bullied in school, stabbed by her friends and this leads her to kill herself. She makes audio tapes, explaining why she did what she did. There are two seasons- the first one is way better.
This is not for you, if you are not very brave. It is sad and you will have some depressed moments. But, this made to my list because:
- As a parent I learnt a lot by the series. And, I have started asking my kids,a lot about bullying -which apparently I never did.
- Depression exists and is nothing to be ashamed of. We need to be open about it.
Watch the trailer here
Start at
IMDB Rating: 8.2
This is funny, mysterious and sort of dark. It’s again about a woman, who is a con artist. She marries people and disappears on them. But, the “new element” here is that, the ones who got conned go after her. It gets extremely fun and season two is also very good. Not, at all disappointing. Although, the last few episodes of the first season were just average.
Watch the trailer here
IMDB Rating: 7.8
This became a favorite and a must watch every night, before sleeping. This is based on the iconic stars Bette Davis & Joan Crawford. These two stars had some big rivalry and the show portrays just that. It covers the making of “Whatever happened to Baby Jane” and how the two ladies fought and even became friends for a few..just to fight more.
Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange play the roles of Bette Davis & Joan Crawford respectively.
Watch the trailer here
IMDB Rating : 8.2
Have you watched any of them? Would love to know how you liked or did not like them 🙂

I haven’t watched any of these shows but that is because I never get the tv remote. Anyways I will check these one out if they are on air presently.
No, I haven’t seen any of these. Since I’m not a big fan of TV. But your posts make me curious. Happy BarAThon!
I haven’t watched any. These days I don’t watch much TV but happy watching to you.
Haven’t seen any. These days I don’t watch much TV but happy watching to you
All of them sounds interesting stories . I wanna start with IMPOSTERS:)
That looks like a nice set of watchables, Zainab!
I’ll try to catch up with Imposters & 13 Reasons Why for the kind of plot they appear to have.
Wish you a happy Blog-A-Thon!
Wish you a happy Barathon too 🙂
I have seen trailers for the first one and had piqued my interest then. Your post makes my resolute to get bck to it stronger.
I have never watched any of the above TV series, but Imposters have caught my attention.
interesting tv shows. i did watch a couple of episodes of all of them. the 1st 2 did catch my fancy, alas i havent been able to watch them completely yet.
but the 3rd one, didnt catch my interest at all!