Do you want to lose weight and start a workout routine, own home? Then, I got you covered. And, yes this is a longish post, but if you read till the end- it might be worth reading. So, let’s begin.

You go for walks, and eat well yet notice no significant change in your appearance? How come, everyone else seems to lose weight at a faster pace, but you? That could be many factors. One being, do not just count on cardio. And, second what you put in your body matters!  Read this post here on how to lose weight by just changing your diet.

workout routine at home for weight loss

Here is a mix of workouts, that you can do absolutely free. For the cardio bit you can visit the park and for the floor workout, well use the floor 😉

I learnt from my first ever trainer Tanvee, that just cardio is not enough. We need to build strength and stamina in the body as well.

Typically, I either combine them both or just stick to cardio one day, and floor the other. So today, I share some of my workouts with you all.

Please make sure, that your health allows you to perform workouts.

Walking Or Running

1-Going for a walk is a great exercise but, make sure that you are walking. At times, people just go to the park with friends or family and the attention is more on the chat instead of the steps.

Obviously, the time seems to fly off, in the company but if you are serious to see some changes in your body then I will suggest a solitary walk. Walking, just with your headphone and phone.

Make an awesome playlist, or listen to podcasts. And, stay focused. Download an app for recording the steps. 10,000 steps over the day is what you should aim for.

Download Step Counting App



If you are in for a little challenge, start running. A popular app called C25K (couch to 5 k) is designed to get you running in 9 months. The app is free and available on Android as well iOS.

The app guides, you when to walk and when to run. It’s just 20 minutes for a round. I totally recommend this free running plan.

Download C25K App



Other Forms Of Cardio:


Playing a sport (lawn tennis, football etc.)





Floor Workout routine at home for weight loss

Next let me introduce, some floor exercise, that you must do to get stronger. It will not essentially assist in losing weight, but it will make you stronger and tone you up. These exercises also help to fight depression and improve your mood.

Full body Home workout routine for beginners which will help in weight loss #fatloss #weightwatchers #workout #fatburning #healthylifestyle #workout #workoutforwomen #exercise #exercisefitness #flatbelly #SlimExpectations
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1-Burpees: Workout routine at home

Burpees are a full body workout, and trust me they are no joke. They burn a lot of calories (if done properly) and you WILL feel it in your arms, legs, abs!!!

The best part is, that you can modify them so that you do not injure yourself.

Take a look at this video, this is done using a chair.  

Here is how you perform proper Burpee.


2-Bicycle Crunches: Workout routine at home

Another good workout, which will make you feel you have abs 😉 They are pretty self-explanatory but I’m adding a video here, so that you get an idea.

Try with doing 10 a day and go up to 50 then 100. Your abs might scream but each, rep makes you stronger.


3- Push-ups: Workout routine at home

Now, we could just not include, push-ups right? They are basic. They make your arms strong. And, we need those strong arms, right? Pushups also help in bettering our posture and firm the breast area as well.

Take a look here, at the modifications of pushups that can be performed depending on your health.


4-Skaters: Workout routine at home

We all know lunges are good. But, try doing skater lunges. They are a tad different and require the presence of mind. It works on your legs, quads and even abs.


5-Squats: Workout routine at home

Now, squats are one of the best exercises to tone those legs and burn fat. It will tone your legs and also help with your digestion. It will also strengthen your joints and tighten up the glutes.


6-Mountain Climbers: Workout routine at home

This is one of my favourite exercises. It’s intense, it kills and it works. Like Burpees, this is a multi-joint exercise and works on the whole body. The day you decide to stay in, just alternate 20 mountain climbers with other exercises.


Other Great Floor Workout That I Love:



Russian Twist

Arm Circles


How to start with these workouts?


Well, start slow. But, “push” yourself. Do not stop on the 5th rep. If 5 is the hardest do 7. And, the day 7 feels easy, do 10.

So, out of the listed workouts above, as a beginner I would do this:

Warm up – 3 to 5 minutes. (Use A Timer)

Burpees 6

Skaters 10

Pushups 10

Bicycle Crunches 10

 Rest 30 sec (Use A Timer) and Repeat

Burpees 6

Squats 10

Mountain Climbers 20


Russian Twist 10


 I hope that you all liked my ideas for a workout routine at home. And, it all depends on you. How badly, you want it. That’s all!

Disclaimer: I’m not a fitness expert. Please check with your doctor before doing any kind of workout. Read my full disclaimer here.