Self Love C-Care and Courage to help you A to Z Challenge #atozchallenge2019


Do I care for me?
 Like I care for my family?
Like I care for the deadline of blog posts?
Like I care for my Instagram? 
Like I care for my children’s marks?
Do I care enough for myself to make a difference?
lady in face pack
Self Love C-Care and Courage to help you A to Z Challenge



Do I have the courage to fight the battles?
Most importantly, to choose my battles?
Do I have the courage to face the consequences?
Do  I have what it takes?
The questions we may ask ourselves. Really. Self Care and courage are so so important. One can just not be the one who is always at the giving end. To others.
Realize when it’s time to give that CARE to yourself. The care you shower on that one meal for your child. 
Give that much care to your weekly girls/boys night out.
And COURAGE? Why is that necessary? Because it’s time we stop giving in. TO learn  LEARN how to say no. This doesn’t make you mean ( I hear!)
The reason I chose these two words are because I really am very bad at self-care and I feel I’m literally a pushover.
I cannot apply a night cream for more than two days, and I can find it very hard to say NO.  ( Maybe I’m scared of the consequences)
What are the three things you do for yourself daily for self-care? Are you kind? Do you praise yourself? I guess the answer would mostly be no, if not then congratulations- it’s a great start.
I’m genuinely going to try to Care for me. 

Three things I feel I can do for self-care:

1-Stay away from the negative nancies 

2 -Apply that under eye cream which, if you see my stories you know I need so badly.
3- And work on my sleep. 

And Courage 

I need to learn to say NO…big time!!!!!

I feel guilty, upset, and what not.
I would love to know how you take care of yourself and how do you, stay courageous?