We all get butterflies in our stomachs, when we tie the knot. But, as harsh as it may sound, being husband and wife  does not necessarily mean a bed of roses. Yes, the love is always there, but at times, you just need a place to vent it all out. This is where you can be thankful to Husband Wife Relationship. A platform where you can talk about you and your partner, without getting judged.

Husband And Wife Relationship

There are zillions of platforms for women, moms and children. Be it colic for babies, or under eye circle issues for moms- you can post it all.

But, what if you need  to write about  a typical husband and wife story? Do you text your mother or skype your bff, who is in a different timezone?

Well, do not feel troubled at all. Take a deep breath and pour your heart on Husband Wife Relationship

You can write about any and every husband and wife issue here.

You can write about how the honeymoon phase of your marriage has been invaded by intricracies of life,  or how you are making sure to not let that happen.

If you like to weave your thoughts into relationship quotes or poetry, that too is appreciated.

So it’s like a blog, just that it’s a husband and wife kind of chitchat.  People can reply to your posts too.

 Be An Author At Husband And Wife Relationship

  1. Go to the tab, which says “author”
  2. Read the rules.
  3. There is a form, which needs to filled and sent across to the team.

And, once you hear back from them, you can write up to five posts a month. They want you to stick to the theme, which is of course husband and wife.

The website was founded in the year 2007 by Mr. M Samir. I’m positive, that you can use an alias for writing on about husband and wife, issues on their website. Do check out, it is indeed unique.