Every mother wants the best for her child. And, I’m no exception. It really is disturbing to see how children these days are glued to just mobile phones and somehow are not even living their childhood. The only running they do is in the form of catching some fictional character, that too for a video game.
This has been on my mind, for a while, and I am really keen on the idea of how to give our children the best of their childhood where they eat, play and grow. If they just become a slave to videogames and tablets even if it’s all educational, how do they grow up?
Our children do not follow what we preach. Instead, they watch us closely and tend to emulate us. Just like the saying, ‘Monkey see, monkey do.’
The right amount of vitamins and minerals play a vital role in maximizing the growth of your child. In fact, I cannot stress enough on how seriously we need to make sure the child is not only eating right but also doing ample physical activity. When food lacks nutrition this might even result in delayed growth in your child. It is important to do growth tracks for your young children to make sure they are growing right.
The never-ending issue for me is that my children are picky eaters. I’m not proud of it, but I believe it comes from me. My food preferences are really limited and it is so hard to be on the other side of my plate. And I believe, 90 out of 100 children are really picky about their food choices nowadays.
So, I started cleaning up my plate, to ensure my children are not limiting their food intake to just junk food and fried items. Once I started including more greens in my meals, the children made better food choices as well.
It is a pleasure when they opt for homemade muffins or smoothies over French fries. Children need to eat right to grow right.
Also read: Why Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Physical activity is the need of the day. There are a lot of ways to ensure that your child gets some sort of physical exercise.
- Playing in the neighbourhood park
- Sports like swimming, tennis, basketball which your child might enjoy
- Simply walking or running for even 1 or 2 km a day.
I have enrolled my children in a Kungfu class and on alternate days they go for swimming lessons. Playing in the park wasn’t attractive enough for them so I had to find other activities that they enjoyed. I’m really thankful for the days when they go to play cricket with friends every other Sunday.
Don’t miss: 8 Workout routines for moms that can be done right at home
I do ensure that I give them some form of protein once they are home from their classes. Having a protein drink after a swim or a vigorous workout helps in preventing the loss of muscle.
I add a scoop of PediaSure in a cup of warm milk. If I’m feeling extra creative, I will throw 3-4 almonds in the blender along with the powder and milk.
The drink will help your child grow right and as said the best time for your child to consume it would be just after a physical activity. You will find visible growth in 90 days as well in case you’re worried about how much your child is growing.
The ingredients of PediaSure include several vitamins such as thiamine and vitamin D-3. Magnesium, potassium, and salt are some of the minerals added to PediaSure – these are just some of the 37 nutrients in it!
I even found another way to make PediaSure more fun. I tried making homemade cookies and it was a hit! That recipe, however, is for another day ☺
I would love to know how you deal with your picky eaters. I’m always open to more suggestions, as we all have something new to offer. Do you use PediaSure too? Let me know in the comments below.
Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only. It is a sponsored post written in collaboration with the brand, but all the views expressed are my own. Please read my full disclaimer here.
I agree To your recommendation Zainab, a protein drink like Pediasure is vital for the optimal growth of our little ones.
I agree with you Zainab, our kids learn what they watch and if we follow good habits then they will naturally learn good habits from us. Even I give Pediasure to my son and he loves it.
I feel Pediasure is a blessing for all the mums especially the ones with fussy eaters. I have always included Pediasure in my child’s diet and it gave me immense satisfaction that my child is getting everything that his body needs for good health and growth.
Will try Pediasure…seems like an answer to a lot of my worries!
True. Kids learn from what they see. So, it’s best to set an example you wish your kids should follow! You are definitely doing the right thing, Zainab, by changing your meal plans and also including the necessary proteins in your kids’ diet.