Everyone I know (including me!) wants to start an exercise regime, to  get rid of either a few vanity pounds or real weight. I remember back in 2010, how  the idea of losing weight used to intimidate me.

Not that I was too big, to begin with but the thought of just eating kale and grilled fish bored me. (more on diet later)And, the idea of exercising did not appeal much to me either.

I have till now successfully lost 8 kilos and have another 5 kilos to go, to be at my ‘happy weight’. Based  on my personal experience share with you exercises that works very well for weight loss.


exercise exercises




This exercise determines how much weight you actually lose, the most. That’s why it’s on the top. Whats this exercise? It’s a simple exercise of saying NO to food when you are full.  It’s an exercise to say NO to eating between meals. Trust me if you ace this exercise, the rest four will just follow.

If you make this a lifestyle change then you are most likely to stick to it. So make this exercise number one your go to mantra. Eat only when you are hungry.


Exercise Two

Burpees. This particular exercise works on all your body parts arms, abs, glutes and chest. It’s a full body work out and I love it.  Don’t get scared you do not need to start with fifty a day.  Try with ten or even five. They burn a lot of calories and require no equipment.


Exercise Three

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training. This exercise comes really handy when you  are having a slow day and do not feel like working out for longer period. HIIT workout,  generally includes workouts for shorter duration but very high intensity.  You also burn calories even after you workout. That’s how HIIT works.


Exercise Four

Squats. Squats are one of the most popular exercises, and not my favourite, but would be unfair to not include them. Squats improve posture, tone your legs and also build muscle. As squatting builds muscles, it also aids in weight loss. There are a lot variants of squats – sumo squats, jumping squats etc.

Exercise Five

Running or walking. If you want to see your weight drop quickly, (keeping in mind that you are eating well) then running or walking will work wonders. Cardio workouts are the most effective when it comes to losing weight. You can go to the park nearby or invest in a treadmill. You can also opt for some indoor walking if not comfortable to walk outside.

Bonus Tip

To start working out religiously, make a plan. As they say failing to plan, is planning to fail. Just start with what you can do. You do not need fancy equipment’s at all.



Disclaimer– Please try these exercises at your own risk. I’m not a trainer and all my tips are based on my knowledge. Always consult your doctor and trainer before starting any workout.