1- Don’t panic Panicking at a given situation, only escalates it further. When my twins, were really tiny, one of them threw some cotton inside his nostril. I think he was barely 7-8 months old then. I was in shock, but my mom saved the day. She took out a pair of forceps from her drawers and pulled the cotton straight out.
2- Be smart – Instead of being a typical mother, who nags round the clock just let them be. Instead, of hounding them with everything that “needs” to be done, just let them face the music. (Of course, only if your child is old enough) Example: If your child does not set their school bags, then let them be punished in school, If they do not learn from your experience, Then it’s time to bite the bullet.
3- Gel with the kids – instead of telling them how to behave, you behave the way you want to be treated. Try to resonate and be the mom, you need to be. Breathe in, and do not give in to the tantrums. Stay calm, and this will help you go a long way.
4-Shut down the outside world when need be– Do not forget that you owe a lot to yourself. Fix a “me ” time daily even if it’s only 15 minutes a day. Workout, walk, sing, draw whatever gives you a sense of satisfaction. One needs to be at peace with themselves before they go and cater to the needs of other people.

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This post is a part of Momology blog train hosted by Thoughts by Geethica, Slimexpectations, Mummasaurus and Truly Yours Roma sponsored by FirstCry Intellikit, Instacuppa, Diet Funda, Hugs n tugs, Tina Basu, Unorthodoxpeeps, Lotus Herbals baby and Shumee toys.
I find point 4 crucial–so many of my mom friends forget to take time out for themselves1
This is a fabulous post and knowing your mother personally I would totally endorse this one. So true and I also echo your sentiment of learning so much from my own mother.
I think all the points are important. We learn as we go along this journey of parenting.
These are invaluable pieces of advice for any mother. I have been there making all the mistakes and then learning along the way.
Zainab I agree with all your points, especially about keeping your phone away and spending quality time with your children. #momology
Zainab, your pointers are so doable, even I keep my phone away when kids arrive from school.
I have that similar experience, my son swallowed a tiny battery and that day I was in a real panic. I was too worried about any leakage and went almost blank. It was my mom who immediately called our child specialist and dealt with the situation. having our mom with us is always an extra strength and support. Thanks for the nice post, good tips for raising responsible kids.