Summer vacations are round the corner and it’s the time of the year for all the moms to start preparing for the month-long break, with the kids at home! So, how are you trying to keep your child busy this summer break?
The idea is to give them the best of everything in doses and also maintain some sort of discipline! But, also lots of icecreams, candies and slushies. Is that not what summer break is really about? Maybe you are travelling too, but then not the entire summer break.
However, it’s a good idea to try tailor their day for them, so they know what they can expect. Whether your child is in some sort of summer camp or not, a timetable is mandatory I feel.
Today, I’m just going to talk about educational apps (some fun ones too!) and books. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Fun Ways To Keep Your Child Busy During Summer Break
6 Educational Apps For The Older Kids
We live in a gadget-driven world, and as the kids grow it gets impossible to monitor their screen time. But, it is kind of unavoidable. So, it is a good idea to give them something that will make them learn something besides just YouTubing cartoons or playing silly games.
If your child is interested to learn a new language, this app fits the bill perfectly. You have a lot of choices to choose from. German, French etc. Its a pretty useful app and might really help learn the language.
Spell Tower
This is a word game app and will hook your child completely. I guess maybe you too would start playing (Remember Literati?)
Well, it’s just a simpler, and a more fun version of that. I personally, love word games, they are just so much fun. This is not available free as of now.
Pocket Code
This app will let you create your own programs. In fact, you can even share and play with others on it. It looks like an interesting app to me.
Of course, it is for older kids.
Download | Android
(Not available on iPhone yet)
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle is a good way to encourage your child to read e-books. Of course, one can also purchase other books too, but there is a big variety of ebooks, But, it is not free so please bear that in mind
Chess Play & Learn
Chess wakes your brain up. Online chess, often helps to use your mind a little bit more, than the old school way. Its believed, that playing chess also improves your problem-solving skills.
Fun Ways To Keep Your Child Busy During Summer Break
Reading should be introduced to children, as soon as you can. At a younger age, a child grasps and learns better. (and they do not ask irrelevant questions 😉
There are a lot of books for toddlers, but I loved this particular touch and feel book. Take a look for sure.
Another Favourite book at our home when the kids were growing up, were the Read It Yourself series (suitable for ages 4-7)
When I was a kid, these were my favourites. Easy language and some good illustrations. In fact, every time I think of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz the picture from the series pops into my head. So, glad my children loved it too.
My children are really fond of Harry Potter series & they finished the entire series in their last summer break. So, help me lord with some more books.
Buy The Entire Harry Potter Series Here
The books I want them to read over time:
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- The Martian
- The Shining
I read and watched The Shining, and the character of Jack Nicholson just gave me goosebumps. I want to see, how do they react;)
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Martian
The Shining
Some Tips For Health
Some form of physical exercise is really a good idea if your kids, it’s a bonus if they are readers and are well versed with educational apps. But, their health should not be compromised.
We as responsible parents should make sure that the kids do get some good exercise in. Obviously. this is not an indoor option, but I do feel strongly that when we need to make them step out of the virtual world too.
These activities are popular either in the evenings or very early mornings. My children love to play cricket and lawn tennis This way, it is a win-win for both the child and the parent.
Take Care Of Those Eyes
- Screen time & reading time should not be together. Example, if your child has the mobile/tablet in one hand and book in the other that’s a big NO-No!
- It has been researched that, dry eyes can be caused if do not blink often. So, we need to ensure the child is ‘blinking’. I often use the water eye drops to lubricate their eyes.
- As in, mentioned above, physical activities are very important. Reading and learning for the brain and swimming, running etc for the body, mind and soul.
- Screen time should not be given before bedtime, as it sort if wakes up the brain. Reading, before bed us great, as it will induce sleep.

The apps, that have been covered in this post are for, older children. I personally did not allow tablets at home, when they were smaller. But, hey that is just my opinion. No judging.
What books are your children reading currently? My kids also enjoy some educational books and I plan to make them read the ebook Fruits For Life by Dr Amrita Basu. Download
What are your favourite apps for your children? Do share with me. I personally love Duolingo and Amazon Kindle app.
Disclaimer- This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you click through and use it. Read the full disclaimer here!
Nicely tabulated!
Soo.. osm detailed review di👌👌😘😘 very hlpful review✌❤
Soo amazing nd detailed review didu👌❤✌V hlpful👌👌❤
Thi is interesting. I have begun chess for the kids this summer and they have started to like it. So curently at home this game goes on for hours.
For my son, his vacation is starting from next week. Thanks a lot for this post. Really helpful for me.
you have covered all the good options, thanks for sharing!
Very informative post. I will take care next time when my kids use too much of gadgets.
This is a very useful post.I enjoyed taking notes while reading
Im actually using duolingo myself… Great ideas here 🙂
The chairs match the colored edges. This allows for continuity as the children move from grade to grade but also subtly suggests to the children that they are indeed growing and changing from year to year, just as their furniture does.
i am going to share these apps with my sister and bhabhis as they have a long summer vacation and kids around this age who would find these really interesting.
This is a great article and the ideas for engaging kids is good. If they love reading and playing chess or even word game, its always good.
I recently got a big stash of books from Amazon for my kiddo to keep him busy in the holidays. Love your list.
Keeping kids busy is a big headache during summer vacations. From all of the above mentioned options my girl would like word tower.
Here Play Shifu is our favourite among the apps. Though the screen time is limited, my son is enjoying reading books by Pratham Books, this summer.
That’s a nice list! I knew Duolingo, but the spell tower and pocket code too sound interesting.
I personally love Duolingo. I’ve seen the kids really enjoy reading on Kindle and playing chess on the App. They also enjoy swimming and cycling. Nice tips here.
I must check out Duolingo. I’ve been wanting to learn Spanish for a long time.
Wonderful ideas! Personally I would prefer them to read books than using apps. Though some apps are quite good for learning.
Those are some great ideas. I absolutely loved the idea of DuoLingo app. Thanks for sharing.
These are great app ideas kids will definitely love to explore them