I will be honest and tell you that at times it really gets hard to stay super focused and eat as clean as needed. Life steps in, you know? And, being the lady of the house, mom, wife and what no, at times get a little more interesting ;)!
This brings me to share some weight loss tips and hacks that have been tried and tested by me.
These series is going to come every fortnightly, and each time I will discuss in detail about important aspects of losing weight.

Weight Loss Tips And Hacks For Women
You have read it and heard it everywhere. And, it is true. Water does help you lose weight.
Well, there are so tons of reasons. water is very beneficial and helps in controlling hunger pangs too.
1- Drinking water will help you flush out the toxins. You may need to visit the washroom more than, the average person, but so what? It is only because you are flushing out a lot of toxins from the system.
2- Water also plays a key role to keep your hunger pangs in check. Next time you are hungry, just ask yourself: can you eat an apple? Well, if the answer is no, then you are not hungry. Drink some water.
And, if the answer to the apple query was yes, then drink some water and then eat the apple;)
3- Water also boosts metabolism to a certain extent, Plus, you will thank yourself for the glowing skin.
Please bear in mind, that water is not a magic pill. You cannot eat fried chicken & club it with 2 liters of water and wonder why the scale has not moved.
Water Bottle
Invest in a water bottle, that is easy to hold and does not spill. So whenever, you step out of the home you just throw it in your bag. It is advised to at least drink 2-3 liters of water every day. But, it varies from person to person. Check how much water you need to drink daily, right here.
Why does having a water bottle helps?
You know how many times you refill it. Keeping track becomes easier!
I would recommend buying a cute yet useful water bottle. The cute factor really helps me 😉
Cold Or Hot Water: Weight Loss Tips And Hacks For Women
Well, this seems to be a very debated topic.
It’s said if we consume ice cold water, the body burns calories to bring it to the temperature of the body.
They also say warm water with a hint of honey, early in the morning can help you lose fat.
To me, this sounds too good to be true. Why? Well, because if it were true wouldn’t we all be slim and tiny?
Although, there is one hack that I have learned over time involving water. And, you can get it delivered right to your inbox.
How to drink more water?
It is very much possible that like me, you are not a fan of plain water. But, trust me girls water grows on you. But, there is a wonderful way to make water a little flavoured, by infusing it with fruits or vegetables.
I personally like to flavor water with mint, coriander, cucumber & lemons.
But, using fruits for infusing water is also vastly popular.
If you miss the fizz, try to make it half and half.
How DO I Like Flavoured Water

2 liters Water
Handful of coriander & mint leaves
Few cucumber slices
One Lemon
Take a pitcher or a jug and throw in everything, except water. Add half carbonated water & half plain water and, keep it overnight in the fridge!
Please remember, this is to enhance the flavour and drinking infused water will not magically reduce your weight.
Download an app, which will make sure that you are hydrated. I use Aqua Alert
This app buzzes every hour to remind me to drink water. It might make others around you crack funny jokes, but this app has helped me a lot.
Download Now

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Wow.. Fantastic. It’s worth reading. I am trying since long to lose weight and I am not so sure that water in different forms will help me a lot losing my extra kgs.
Thank you for sharing.
Ohh..yes. water is always good for loosing wait. Liked the apple test. Sometimes we are actually thirsty but we keep on filling ourselves with food.
I also like mint and lemon flavored water.
Gud informative post . Water is so essential . I wud soon invest in a cute bottle as u suggested .
Water water everywhere…
And I never knew it could get me somewhere on my weight loss journey!!
Such an informative post-Zainab, your post has reminded me my MIL’s advice, she often says it “Pani Prayog” and I had seen the practical results too with this method. nowadays, fruit infused water are in latest trend and Thanks a lot for sharing easy recipe, I had done this one week but after that not able to follow the regular routine. will do it for sure. big congrats again for blog birthday.
helpful weight loss tips thanks for sharing
Nice Article !
Definitely worth reading. I have always been a promotor of hydration. Think post will help others understand the need of water for weight loss. Nice.
I use cucumber, lemon ginger and mint infused water for myself 😊
Water is a miracle food.apart from weight, the whole fact that we can flush out toxins, helps in maintaining health
Oh yes, drinking a lot of water is definitely good for health. And yes many times when we are hungry, we are actually thirsty. Thank you for those reminders.
water is good to drink whether or not it helps to lose weight. cheers to water!
nice tips..will surely give them a try..
True that.. water has helped me a lot too on so many fronts..
lesser hunger , more energy, better skin n what not
Good start of the series. Eagerly expecting more such informative and motivational posts. I too always carry water bottle with me. For the infused water, I add Tulasi leaves also. And I prefer copper bottles than plastic bottles.
I don’t really need to lose weight 😉 but yes keeping myself hydrated is very essential and flavored water will surely be a motivation for me. Will try this and thanks for sharing about the aqua alert app 🙂
Water is one of the best medicines for weight loss. thanks for the article. 🙂
Infused water is always great for maintaining a fit lifestyle. This is surely going help me in future.
I dont know why we never considered infused water all these decades. Such a simple step, na? Have been doing it since this year.. Makes it tastier as well as more refreshing to drink.
Can’t agree more. Since like you even I don’t devour plain water will sure try infusing it,as per your suggestions.
Agree with the thoughts shared completely. Water is my elixir for good skin and keeping hunger in check. In fact, it helps me in better digestion too!! I prefer normal water and rarely drink cold water.
Water is our life and we cant even think a day without water. We all should drink sufficient water on regular basis.
Indeed, water is so very essential. I check our aqua alert app, need something to remind me up actually!
Water helps in many ways and you have shared some great tips.
Informative post! Of course, water should be our best friend. Tips are easy to implement.
This is amazing, Z. I’m in desperate need for weightloss and I’m going to follow this series and your recommendations religiously. Thank you!
such a useful tips tysm for sharing regarding loosing weight.
Can’t agree more with all that you have said! We need to make drinking water a part of our diet if we need to reduce those kilos. I like plain water, and I am a bit too obsessed with drinking a particular number of glasses per day, so, good for me! 😛
Those are some really good tips. I would love to try that app and infused water. I am also working on increasing my water intake. thanks, Zainab!
Glad that the you liked the post.
Useful & Informative article , drinking infused water is what I have learned new and it’s good 🙂
Water is truly the elixir of life. It flushes out toxins and is so important to the functioning of the entire body. Great tips to ensure we drink sufficient water throughout the day.
I forget to drink water throughout the day and definitely need the app reminder to drink water regularly. Informative post. 🙂
An informative article. Great tips to lose weight.
This is such an inspirational post to stay hydrated especially in summers. I like the idea of drinking fruits and vegetables infused water and downloading the app to remind to drink water. Thanks for reminding me once again about the importance of staying hydrated for the overall well being of our body.
Interesting post on fitness. Water is essential n good for losing inches. Congratulations n best wishes for your blog birthday celebration n happy to be a part of it.
Hello Zainab & Geethica, submitting our blogpost below, just 2 min linky was functioning.
Here is the link to our b day post
Hopefully you consider it 🙂
Water first thing on empty stomach flushes the toxins from Internal organs.
Exercising in the morning also assists with weight loss.
Thanks, Zainab! These are very interesting tips! And I am sure that they work not only for women, but for men too. For example, I monitor my health and I pay special attention to water drinking. I drink only purified water. And from time to time I improve its properties by adding fresh fruit and vegetable juices and by runnung water through an alkaline water pitcher, thus saturating it with healthy minerals.
very nice article on water and its importance in our daily lives.
keep sharing the good content
#poseinstylereads #myfriendalexa
Marvellous tip, Zainab. Would definitely try it.
i”ll follow drinking more of water. especially follow your tips, great tips
Water is definitely important ingredient in weight loss…it is not going alter the scales immediately…but it is at least a good starting point…
Excellent post as I am always on the lookout for weight loss tips. My trainer tells me this a lot that everytime you feel hungry doesn’t mean you are actually hungry. Drink a glass of water and see if your hunger still persists. I have adopted this and miraculously (though it’s not actually a miracle), I have found that 60-70% of the time my hunger was not hunger but thirst actually. I have now started drinking more water and try different flavours – sometimes as you have mentioned put lemon, cucumber and sometimes I also add kiwi, ginger or celery-parsley.
Thanks for sharing this informative post. How can I purify my water? Is it possible by using the tablet? Water filtration is one of the oldest ways known to help clean water for drinking purposes.please answer my query and oblige thereby. Thanks in advance.
It really worth reading, thanks for posting that quality piece of content for your visitors
The way you described the benefits of drinking water to fit is very smart. I also liked the way you suggested to keep water bottle. It’s really effective for women.
I always encourage my sister to keep water bottle and even i gifted her a nice bottle so that she can keep it with her even when she is traveling.
That was quite an informative post, Zainab! I drink around 8-10 glasses of water every day and still struggle with so many of my body functions (especially metabolism)… any help here?
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