7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
I never thought that I might witness something as quarantine- in real life. The last time I heard the word was in the TV series “ Lost”.
But, it is what it is. And, the best way to come out stronger from this quarantine is to manage our stress and health. As much as we can.
Let’s face it, we are all sailing in the same boat and this is real.
We can all either cry a river and feel sorry for ourselves, and everything in sight.
Or we can take this time to recharge and reevaluate our goals.
Don’t dwell, on the past. Even if you ate a big bar of chocolate, press the reset button today.
I am sure like me you have had thoughts, that make you question your fitness goals. So let’s begin with that first.
Also, Read what are my favorite shows on Netflix.
If the world is ending why focus on fitness and being healthy?
7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
I found myself asking this question to myself. And, the only answer that I got was that: I want to come out of stronger from this.
Now is the time to strengthen your immunity by eating the right foods and by working out.
Now is the time, when I can remind myself of the goals that somehow have been gathering dust. At the end of the day, it’s our choice.
So, instead of sulking, let’s try our best to keep it together.
This too shall pass, so let’s pledge to come out fitter, stronger, healthier and more positive.
Staying indoors 24/7 does not mean we spend the day just working on our laptops, or scrolling aimlessly on Instagram.
Of course, it’s more fun to waste the day in pajamas, but as I said this can be the time to reset our goals and, wave a flag of victory once this quarantine is over.
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7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Make A Plan: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
An old quote comes to my mind, ‘ failing to plan, is planning to fail’
Start planning and framing your life. We are all home, with our children, husbands and also a pile of laundry.
So, the plan should be to fit in a 20-40 minute workout every day. Every day, because this would be the only real workout you would be getting.
Make your menu for the week, as well. This will help you cook and store if need be.
Example: I always make chicken in bulk. This not only saves my time but also the endless thoughts of what needs to be cooked the next day.
I plan my menu, the old way of using pen and paper.
Also Read: Easy workouts to do at home.
Set Goals:7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Your goal could be to lose 3 kilos or to run 5K in less than an hour. (This is just an example)
Whatever is your goal, WRITE it down. Write it down, in your journal, on your phone notes. I generally try to write on sticky notes, as it helps me stick it around the home- (example fridge) and keeps reminding me of my goals.
The idea behind writing down the goals is just to be aware and be more responsible.
Get started: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
I do not have anything intense or elaborate planned. Why so?
Well firstly, I would like to stick to the goals that I have made and secondly as it’s not a very happening phase for us all- I do not want to overwhelm myself.
To get started your goals should be doable, no matter how intense your workouts used to be, if you are restarting, always follow a slow pattern.
Do not try to aim to run a marathon on day one, take it slow and make it doable.
Eat Breakfast: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Did you eat breakfast today? If you said yes, pat yourself on the back. If not, then WHY not?
Skipping breakfast is not healthy at all. You need the energy to function, especially now with children and the husbands at home.
Please do not discount yourself from breakfast.
Also Read: Why eating breakfast is important.
Check you B.L.T’s: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Well, the B here is for bites, L for licks and T for tastes.
Unfortunately, these BLT’s are not calorie-free, and slowly will add up to our waistlines (and, who knows more)
So, that bite of chocolate, and the taste of the delicious mocktail you made for all- sadly it adds up.
Workout Ideas At Home: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Now working is out is important not just to get that physique to die for, but also to invite the happy hormones or the endorphins.
God knows we can use some endorphins during these dull times.
There a couple of channels on YouTube which have unbelievable workouts.
Listing out a few (which I have tried)
if you have the facility to play indoor games like table-tennis, then go do that.
Skipping is a great workout if you can skip, and have a skipping rope.
Please note, that I’m not an expert and when you workout, follow the exact instructions from the coach.
Also Read: Youtube workouts that can be done at home
Think Positive: 7 simple tips to keep fit, healthy and strong under quarantine
Easier said than done- true, but doable- for sure, right?
It has been said. ‘when you change your thoughts, you’re able to change your life.’ Affirmations are a wonderful way to start changing your thoughts and make your life positive.
when we are positive we automatically turn the people around us happier.
And, it is so much needed for everyone to be positive. If you are a mom, or a daughter taking care of your parents.
And one way of being positive is by affirmations, Start giving yourself affirmations, twice a day. Once just before sleeping and as soon as you are awake.
Also Read: How can we lose weight by changing our mindset

Losing weight, during these times can be a lot more of a “mental game” than a physical one.
But, as long as we keep at it, even if it’s just getting rid of the BLT.
Please do not be hard on yourself.