After I published my last post, a lot of friends pinged me to know the answer to one question: How to start a blog? Initially, I would only get asked about fitness (and I love that) but its a great step up for me to be able to share my blogging knowledge. I’m not a blogging whizz, but I have learned a few things. And, sharing is caring, right?
Today, I will walk you through a few basics.
How to write a blog and make money
How to start a blog?
So the first and foremost thing, before you learn how to start a blog, ask yourself: why do you want to start blogging?
As a hobby
To earn
Share your story
Online journal (weight loss, noting milestones of your baby etc)
Recommended by friend
There should be a reason for you to start writing a blog. Even if it’s a hobby or a friend pulls you in.
If you are a little skeptical, about your writing skills, do not worry much. We all have been there. Firstly, the writing gets better with every post. Secondly, there are a lot of online tools (free) which help you as well.
(But, that’s a different blog post)
How to create a blog
Now that you have a reason to start a blog, explore the how’s and why’s. What should be the niche and name of your blog? How do you get a domain? Why do you need a self-hosted blog (or not)
Take a pen and paper, and scribble your thoughts.
Come up with a unique name which matches the niche.
For example: If you want to start a food blog, then the name of the blog should reveal the same.
Example: could be “XYZ Food Diaries” or ‘Cooking With XYZ”
If you want to make a lifestyle blog, then you may just call it “XYZ diaries” or even “XYZ.Com”
Personally, I would recommend to buy your own domain. It’s just about, 15 USD a year, and it adds a lot of value to your blog.
Once you have chosen a name for the blog, half your work is done. Actually, 80% is done!
How to write a blog and make money
Write about something that is related to your niche. After a few posts, ideas will automatically start pouring.
Make your blog post attractive- take pictures and add them to the post.
Use royalty free pictures online and make your own creative if you are not very enthusiastic about taking pictures.
Once you have few posts, written do learn a little bit about S.E.O. You can google it or can join a blogging academy for the same.
Try to participate in blog-hops. this will be an affirmed way to get some good traffic on the blog.
How to write a blog and make money
Making Money
So making money will take time. It will not happen overnight, but if you be consistent in blogging and write good content – it will happen.
Make sure you are available on social media. Promote your posts on all the platforms, in short, get noticed.
The content should be good. Write less, but write well. Research well.
Do not copy and paste from other posts. The content should be unique.
If you are fond of reading, maybe you can start with doing book reviews.
Bonus Tips
Joining some online blogging communities help. Listing the communities I’m a part of –
They help you connect with other bloggers and like minded people.
WordPress is the best platform for blogging, but yes it can be a little tough on the head. But you will, fall in love with it, eventually.
I might send something related to blogging in my newsletter next month. If I get 10+ signups. Subscribe here.
Guess, I have it all covered and you have few answers to the question: How to start a blog. But, please let me know if I missed out anything!

(Learn how to make the long pin image here)
The perfect help guide for a newbie Blogger. Concise and this post of your encapsulates all the required info.
Thank you for this. Yea, many friends do ask me the same question so will share this directly with them
The best reason to start a blog is to know the reason behind it. Also the content has to be good. We need to find ways to better our writing. And this can be done by reading more and getting inspired by other’s blogs.
Awesome tips.👏
I agree that one doesn’t make money overnight . One needs to work hard ,put efforts and only then one can achieve the target. And yes , there should be a reason or purpose behind anything you do , to keep you motivated .
Brilliant points. I have never considered making money out of my blogs.. yet. I fear the passion might get lost if I do
A perfect guide to starting a blog and getting it noticed. I wish I had read something like this when I started. Sharing it so others can benefit
Excellent tips to guide all those who want to start it the right way.
Pinned it too.
These are some excellent points that people can follow if they are start with blogging. I will definitely share with my friends who want to start blogging and many others who can take tips 🙂
That’s very valuable tips to start a new blog with help a lot for blog beginners
These are quite valauble tips for a newbie 😊
These are really valuable tips from u ..Even I aspire to be a blogger someday …Will definitely follow the points mentioned here then
I am surely gonna follow some points from these. Loved this article.
it was very helpful.
i’ll share this post with my friends.